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19 Ekim 2010

Wow, I can't believe it's already Wednesday! I had a great time in Dallas, Monday was a blur because I spent the better part of my day in the afternoon, but I'm grateful to have made it there and back safely and had a wonderful time. I didn't realize how jam packed my weekend was going to be; I thought I was going to see my uncle just for a few, for the ride from the airport and to crash on his couch, but him and his girlfriend decided to take me out two nights as well as show me around during the day. My eating wasn't as great as I'd liked, but it wasn't too bad. I was able to get in my workouts, and the live workouts were great as well. The new P90X is going to be super intense! I didn't give much thought to Body Gospel since it's faith-based and I'm not religious, but it was actually really amazing, and I definitely see myself buying the program. I love fun programs, and it was just fun and you can tell with all the lower body work it will be effective.

Unfortunately, I forgot my dvds at my uncles house so I have to wait for him to send them to me so my P90X is on hold for a few days:(. Until then I think I'm just going to mix some Slim in 6, RevAbs, and maybe some Turbofire depending on what I'm in the mood for. Part of me really wants to get back into Spinning again, so I might get a short trial membership to take some classes before the weather gets too cold.

I have a Social Media training in the city with Chalene Johnson (creator of Turbo Jam/TurboFire) and I'm super excited. Not only is she an incredible instructor, but she's very business savvy and I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can about building my business online. I hope everyone had a great weekend and start to the week, slowly getting back into the groove of things, but I will be commenting on journals shortly!

14 Ekim 2010

I'm at the airport super early, thank god for free wifi! I had my Shakeology for breakfast, I didn't pack as I should've last night so I had to get up super early this morning and get all my things together and didn't have any time to work :(. I did bring all my videos and resistance bands, though, so I will be getting in my workout tonight when I get to my uncles house. It's only Chest and Back so it doesn't require me to need much space. Then tomorrow's our first workout with Tony Horton, so I don't think I'll need to do an additional workout after that, but we'll see. I had my Shakeology for breakfast, and I have some melba toast, lunch meat and more Shakeology for my day of travels. This is my first ever connection flight which seems like somewhat of a pain, but I'm excited nonetheless. I love being around Beachbody people they're a lot of fun and really positive. Have a great day everyone!! :)

12 Ekim 2010

I have OFFICIALLY quit sugar as of today. It seems that the evil white stuff is in most of my 'comfort' foods, but it does more harm than good for me physically, mentally etc...this has been a weird weekend for me I was feeling anxious/depressed/stressed? and I indulged in the white stuff and ended up feeling worse; terrible cycle. I stuck to my workouts though and can say I've completed 2 weeks of P90X! I'm trying to mentally figure out how I'm going to fit my workouts in while I'm away, so part of me thinks I'll do two workouts tomorrow just in case I'm too tired or something during my travels Thursday? I was thinking if I can do Chest and Back tomorrow, with my cardio workout then I can squeeze in a workout before my flight, but I'll have less pressure just in case time doesn't permit. I'm notorious for waiting until the last minute to pack, and since I have connecting flights I refuse to check my bags; I heard you're more likely to lose your stuff that way, so now I have to fit everything into a carry on. I've already made my to-do list, so I just have to make sure I pack everything I need and don't forget anything.

It may all be in my head, but I feel like my arms are looking good already which really excites me. I was afraid I was going to get bored with this workout, but I was looking over the schedule the other day and realized that other than the recovery week workout it seems to change every three weeks which is good. I was in a chat last night (it seems like 90%+ of ppl on the team beachbody chat rooms have done the X) and someone told me that its good to up the cardio so I may swap out a few of the cardio workouts with cardio from other programs to keep the variety there!

Thanks to all my bbody knowledge I actually won a twitter contest today! The prize was a signed Keep It Up DVD which is cool, I love Debbie Siebers. I answered another question correctly, but since I already won the Debbie prize I couldn't win the Turbofire (bummer!), but the woman said she would throw in some other dvds for me so that's exciting! I have more than my fair share of bbody workouts so I'm pretty sure whatever they send I may already have, but I love winning, so who cares lol :)

10 Ekim 2010

07 Ekim 2010

So, I haven't updated my weight chart in a very long time, too lazy to do the math, but it's probably been since April or so. I find for me it's better to look at my non-scale victories b/c I can't get too caught up in numbers. I don't like being depressed and all those feelings that come with getting on that contraption. I completed my Chest and Back workout today and I was blown away by my numbers. I can do 40 pushups in a minute! At the end of the 1hr workout I had done 313pushups combined!!! A year ago, I was barely eeking out 10 with Debbie between sets of her evil leg lifts, lol. I'm so excited about what I've been able to accomplish in this year. I definitely have gained about 10lbs, (though I may have lost some, I haven't been on the scale in like 3weeks, lol) but I've gained so much more personally and it can't be defined with a scale.

I wish there were more barometers for success on this website. Like measurements, bf% or something like that. I can't believe I'm only in my 2nd week and I have 10 to go. It's funny b/c I got a fbook msg the other day from a friend I went to HS complimenting me on my results and saying how she sees my statuses sometimes and wonders where Iget my motivation from. I was thinking about that for the past 2 days b/c I was wondering that too, but I realized if I had to rely on motivation it wouldn't happen. I'd sit and watch Oprah before I'd press play with Tony. I'd rationalize finding something better to do for sure, and put it off to later. Even when I wish I was more consistent, I think the COMMITMENT that I made to my health and fitness is what keeps me going. Plus, when you're consistent and persistent you get results, and those results motivate you to push more.

I knew what numbers I had for the first week, and I looked at them before every exercise I did today and tried to top those numbers, and I did. I remember last year I was so excited when I moved to Phase II of RevAbs and I was using 15lb weights; today I was able to use 25lbs!!!

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