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01 Kasım 2010

Today is a good day. Today is the beginning of a new month, a good day to reset goals, plan the months meals and to get back in motion. Elliptical here I come. I am seeing slow loss of the pounds I added while away without a lot of effort. I reset my software with a new goal. I want to be at about 155 in about 6 months. Pretty aggressive but achievable with consistant effort.

I am thinking that although I am not happy about the gain, it did serve a good purpose in that it made me aware that what feels like obsession over my weight and the foods I eat really isn't. It is essential for me to plan my meals and snacks ahead to avoid poor food choices and overeating. It is just as important for my body to stay in motion, I can not settle for being a sedentary couch potato. I also know that when I am out of control, like a weekend of parties or a vacation, that it is only temporary. Those times will not make me fat. Those times are to be enjoyed. What is most important is what I do on a regular day to day basis and in time that will even influence my choices during those times of being less in control.

Time to move!!

26 Ekim 2010

25 Ekim 2010

Just as expected my weight is way up. 10 pounds. Ouch! I chalked it up as temporary and started fresh today. Did a rough meal plan for the week, bought groceries to have lots of fruits and vegies on hand. I am ready.

What I learned from my 6 week hiatus and weight gain is that it is very important for me to do strict meal planning and logging. Every bite. More than very important. It is essential. At this point I still make bad choices if I am hungry and don't have a plan. I still make bad choices when the choice is there. Sure I can stray from the plan when life interferes but for day to day, I have to have it planned ahead. It is just too easy to go back to old habits and leave out the foods that really make a difference in good nutrition and appetite control. I have to concentrate on adding plenty of the right foods to my diet intstead of getting rid of the stuff I shouldn't be eating. If I eat enough of the right foods, I lose those cravings that lead me astray.

So back to the basics. Lots of water. Eat a good breakfast. Have HEALTHY snacks at the ready to avoid reaching for the sweet treats. Portion control. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Make exercise habitual. Why is it so hard to do that? The benefits are so obvious. It is not like taking vitamins where the benefits are unnoticable. I love the way I feel during and after exercise. I love seeing the difference in my muscles. I love feeling stronger. I love knowing I am burning fat. Why is it so easy to give all that up to do nothing. I need to remind myself about how much I love the benefits and enjoy them often.

24 Ekim 2010

Hello to all my buddies! Okay, I am back. A six week visit to my daughter was spent playing with a 4 year old and a two year old. I learned more about fairies and princesses than I would have thought possible. Got to meet granddaughter #3 and was allowed a little time to bathe and change her everyday. What a beauty she is. Saying goodbye to my girls was SOOOO hard. I can't wait to go back.

Now it is time to get back into my own routine again. I am not too excited about weighing in tomorrow morning because I did not keep up on journaling not did I get in the physical activity that I need. Desserts were requested daily and some of the desserts were over the top. I have to say, my ability to exercise self control over food is not where I want it to be. I am a great cook and tend to cook the foods I love and love the foods I cook. Thank goodness I love some really healthy foods so I don't have to live on the rest!

So tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of a new week. I am ready to focus on what is good for me and want to repair whatever damage I did and continue losing the weight and inches. It is back to doing some serious meal planning, journaling and a drastic cut in my sugar, butter and cream intake. Back onto the eliptical and work my way back to some real fat burning workouts.

I am so glad to be back, not only to my home, but to FatSecret where I am surrounded by buddies and support.

30 Ağustos 2010

Well, I am pretty happy today. I have been watching my weight dance around for the last month without making much headway. Since it seemed that it didn't matter much what I was doing, I decided to relax a bit on my eating. I allowed myself quite a bit of leeway. There were actually a couple times I wasn't logging my foods for several days at a time. I have really upped my level of exercise though. I am now doing 10 miles a day on my eliptical, about an hour. Started the month at 187, dropped as low as 183.4, backup to 188.4 and down again as far as 104.6 back up and down again to 185. Understanding how ridiculous the scale is, I measured again today. In the last month I lost 2 inches around my waist and 2 inches on the hips. Very happy camper! So, I guess that means I am losing fat even if the scale refuses to move. Woo HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

datadoll Kilo Geçmişi

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