melissawww84 Günlüğü

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24 Ağustos 2010

I could have died!

I had the most eventful morning. I started my day with my 15km morning run. 20 mins into my run, I fell and my ankle went 'CRACK'. I sat at the side of the road and started crying. I wasn't crying just because it was so f**king painful and I could see the veins popping from my calves to my ankles, BUT I was crying mostly because I was afraid I couldnt run for a week or so. I started praying in tongues for a good 20mins. It was 615 in the morning and there wasn't anyone around to help me. But who needs help when I had God. I stood up, wipe my tears and tried to walk for a bit. I thought to myself, "Should I just go home now? But what the hell, I really wanna run." SO i took the step of faith. And many steps of faith followed. I made it even though I was limping throughout my run. I completed my 15km route! Strange enough, the pain was bearable and I didn't think much of it.

However, everytime I slow down or stop at a traffic light, I could feel the pain acting up again. So I tried to beat all the traffic lights to prevent myself from stopping. And this SAVED MY LIFE. I was at the traffic light of Le Meridien, a shopping mall in town, crossing over to the Istana (where the President's office is, it's like the white house of Singapore). As I didnt want to stop, I just continued to run even though I was suppose to wait for the lights to turn green. And GUESS WHAT?? 2 seconds after I stepped off the pavement, a MPV crashed with a taxi and the MPV charged right up the pavement where I was suppose to be waiting. F**K! Can u believe it? Everyone was screaming because I could have been smashed. The green barriers came flying off as the mpv crashed and the barriers hit other cars. I was that CLOSE to becoming pancake or worst. I was in shock and some tourist who witnessed the accident (they were the screamers) asked me if I was ok. I nodded, still in shock and continued to run. Tears started pouring down my cheeks as I ran. I'm still recovering from the shock. If I didn't jay walk or jay run, I would have been hit by the car just by standing at the pavement. God is so good.

BTW, my ankle is swollen like a pig's now. In a lot of pain. Looks like I won't be able to run for a while. SADNESS. I hope I don't get depressed. I'm really damn upset about it.

What a day. I'm still in a shock. Happy that I didn't get knocked down but super super upset about my ankle.

21 Ağustos 2010

Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
51,5 kg 2,5 kg 1,5 kg Oldukça İyi
   Yorum Ekle Haftada 0,2 kg alıyor

20 Ağustos 2010

20 Ağustos 2010

After a long conversation and debates being thrown across the room.. Topic being 'melissa's diet'.. my Bf and his team of trainers Vs Me... (well obviously i lost the 'argument').. I have decided that 'hey, they are right! I should give me body a break once a week and cheat'.

I used to be a personal trainer at california fitness and I should know better. But I guess i'm just a stubborn pig when it comes down to dieting. I'm just so scared that i'll put on weight. My body is the type where by I just need to look at a muffin and POOF! my ass grows bigger.. I gain weight so easily and take so much effort to lose it. I don't know if many people share the same problem as me.. :(

My cheat day is usually sunday and I cheat with chicken breast subway. Lame I know, cos that is not even a real cheat. This time I'm REALLY going to give myself a treat. But it starts next week. I need time to prepare myself mentally for it. I'm kinda scared actually..

I had so much to eat since I got up this morning. I can feel my muscles screaming out at me to feed them. One of the trainers who is a runner like me (ok he does triathlons too which is cooler than my silly running) told me that it's best that I carb-load once a week. Say eat slightly more COMPLEX carbs than usual. He told me my body will thank me for it especially when I'm running 15 to 16km almost everyday.. Well, I ate so much carbs since I got up.. Only because I felt like I was starving!! I don't know why. Right now I just feel full and satisfied. Guilty as well. *burp* :(

19 Ağustos 2010

I'm so upset. I'm at my boyfriend's gym now. He's a personal trainer btw. He's training and I'm chatting with his colleagues as I type this. I'm complaining that my weight isn't dropping and I really really wanna weigh 48kg. I know that weight is just numbers. But it'll be nice to be able to say 'hey I weigh 48'.

The trainers said that they don't think it's realistic for me to want to be so light unless I wanna lose my muscles. The nicest thing was they complimented me on how ribbed my abs look now. The shitty thing is when I look in the mirror sometimes, I see the fat kid that I was looking back at me.

The feeling sucks. Compliments only last for that moment. And then I'm back to feeling fat again. It's so stupid. Yesterday I had the urge to binge and purge my food. But I didn't. I don't want to give in to my old bulimic ways. I went out and smoked like mad instead, which isn't something to be proud of as well. I want to quit smoking. I know that I'll be a better runner if I did.

Gosh. I'm the most imperfect person I know. :( yucks. I hate myself when i feel like this.

melissawww84 Kilo Geçmişi

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