Carmel8sons Günlüğü, 29 Nis 12

CHEESE BOARD??? They should have been fined for daring to put up a that up as a description. The prices were so expensive, portions were so expensive and tiny. Honest you nearly would need to bring a doggie bag with food to fill you. not to bring food home.

CHEESE BOARD< 3 skinny miserable bits of cheese>, half a french stick, and small bowl of olive oil. €9, not a cracker in sight,I have never been served just a lump of white bread before with a cheese board. I could not justify paying that. Wine, house wine, €23 a bottle. (€4 in Aldi). They did not even have the sense to decant it even to try "fool" us. I ended up getting Bread platter and portion of hummus. Bread platter was €4.50,€2 for hummus, still too pricy and wait for it half my bread and hummus was knocked to the floor because when my pal stood up the table which was unsteady nearly fell over. Staff cam to clean up and put cardboard under the leg to steady it but did not replace the wine nor the fallen food. NEVER NEVER AGAIN, will I go back.

The place does have character, 3 weeks ago it was a old old chemist, they left every thing in the window still on display and put 2 barrels in front and a board with the choices of food. The back of the shop used to be part of a photo shop they just displayed the camera etc and it was all like a cave with candles,even the ceiling in the "camera" area was the old paper I remember my grandparents putting on ceiling to cover cracks. That was all lovely. I had been in both shops plenty of times so there was no expense really put into it but a fab business idea.But they need to check around about portions and prices. Across the road the most expensive bar in Cork cut all their prices 2 months ago, house wine €13.50 a bottle with live music at 6 and again at 9.
Just up the street another upmarket bar have also a Cheese platter to die for, 5 different types cheese, the cranberry jelly, grapes, and hummus and crackers only €8, wine €16, with view to the river and both places great for "people watching" and to get to this Tapa's Bar, you have to pass either one.

SO ON TO HOW BAD I WAS LAST NIGHT. I was bad and I paid for it. I had a small bit of my pals paté as well. I had about 1 half glass of wine in Tapa's bar (maybe less as it got spilled), we went across to the OP, got a bottle of the €13.50 wine, had glass of that and went straight into bathroom and bought everything I had up. I thought I was going to die. The oils and bread were to heavy for me. I came back to table, said nothing and nursed another glass of wine for the night, and drank bout 3 pints or more of water. My pals did not even know I had been so sick. I will have to find out what foods do this to me, it often happens, I am fine one minute next I have to run.

Came home about 12 midnight. The dogs were crying, (put up their pic in my profile)they are not used to no one in house so I made them sardine sandwich's, they love them. Made myself cup coffee, and THIS IS WHERE I WAS SO SO SO BAD, made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I did scrape on the peanut butter but that was SO SO BAD.

This morning I still feel as if I am choking, this is what brings on the vomiting, the feeling as if I am been strangled after I eat sometimes. So plenty of water for the day and I have my chicken cooked and ready for my dinner tonight.


Just weighed myself, still the same as yesterday, no damage done last night. Lucky break 
29 Nis 12 üye tarafından: Carmel8sons
It isn't "so so so bad" to eat a peanut butter sandwich, especially after you'd basically hurled everything else up. Your relationship with food scares me. Peanut butter isn't an enemy; in fact it's a good source of natural protein and good fats. The way you write about food reminds me of my own internal monologue 20 years ago, when I suffered from eating disorders. It could be worth getting some books out from the library about nutrition and seeing what is normal and healthy? I don't mean to sound lecturey at all, but it worries me that you're reacting so badly both physically and mentally to eating! 
29 Nis 12 üye tarafından: ferlengheti


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