Jennifer2010 Günlüğü

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17 Şubat 2012

Today is the procedure (colonoscopy/gastrocopy). The crap that they made me take (pugo-dan) made me very ill and retching for 14 hours starting at 4 am Wed night with me running to the bathroom. Even though I was drinking a lot I still wound up really dehydrated with a headache to go with it.
Boyfriend now thinks he has permission to tell me that i was full of shit because I lost 7 lbs in this ordeal. I am allowing my self to eat whatever i want tonight then its back to restricted to lose the rest of what I need to lose for the surgery in 2.5 weeks. Doctor is putting me on an alfalfa/spinach/cucumber/a FEW almonds and a piece of fish or chicken that I can put in my salad (dressing is a tbsp of olive oil and as much vinegar/lemon juice/seasonings that I want). Going to have to work out a bit even if it hurts.
I am not too nervous about the one for the "bottom" I am more nervous about the one that goes down my throat.
But at this point I am so hungry I just want it over. I WANT A BURGER.

15 Şubat 2012

Starting clear fluids and yellow jello today. Breakfast ='s one glass of white grape juice. First packet of crap mix is 3pm. Going to try to blog my experience on here for anyone else who has to go for something like this in the future. Everyone's experience is different, but one more experience is just another to read to feel that you are not alone. The next few days are NOT going to be fun, but it will help me knock off a few more of those lbs that I have to lose by the 2nd.
I also have my pre-op today for my surgery in March. I told the bf last night that I will most likely be in kind of a b!tchy mood by tomorrow night. LOL
funny I have not had much of an appetite over the last few days, and now that I CAN'T eat for 60 hours I am kinda hungry.
FML right now. Can't wait for May and this is all fricken over.

14 Şubat 2012

Got a card this morning from my guy :) We do not really do anything for Valentines Day, neither of us are a big "believer" in it. But we usually do the card thing. (Even though this is the first year I bought him a card :P)
Start the prep for the stuff tonight at midnight, yay the next time I actually get to eat is probably 12 pm Friday afternoon.
All in all it is not to hard this week, I have no appetite. Stomach is still messed. But what's new right?
I have to start taking something called Pico-Salax at 3pm tomorrow. It does not sound fun. I take it again at 8, and then the same thing on Thursday. I am taking the suggestion from my father and have made my bathroom "comfy". LOL candles, laptop, lots of movies, etc. Its going to be my home away from home for 2 days. BLEH.
I keep telling myself that soon I will be on the road to recovery, and not only on that road, but having a better outcome than before.

09 Şubat 2012

I am at the point now where anything that I am eating is bothering my stomach. I just had some chicken, and my stomach sounds like a freight train.
I think the only thing that does not hurt THAT much is jello. But the process of digestion just seems to hurt. Not cool.
I do not have much of an appetite atm.
I am taking a woman's multivitamin, a vitamin C&D chewable, and a B12 at night to help off set the lack of veggies. I am missing my veggies, but I am not supposed to be eating them right now. The process of digesting those HURTS. Now I feel sort of nauseous. I hate all of this.
I so want to be back to normal again. This time next week I will be on my clear liquid diet (sprite, yellow jello, white grape juice, and water), and then be heading into the hospital for 9 in the morning. I want answers, and I want my stomach to stop hurting.
A month from now I will be on my second day of recovery from my hysterectomy, and by then *crossing fingers* that I will be well on my way to getting me back.

07 Şubat 2012

Good eating this week so far. Recovering from the weekend a bit. Gotta control those weekends a bit.
Not looking forward to the procedures next week. The swelling the legs is down, and OMG my legs ALMOST look normal again. I HAVE ANKLES, I forgot how small my legs actually are. I am wondering if I should attempt a small workout??? Or will that cause another flare up????
The rash is getting worse though, and it moves, anyone have that before, right now my arms are drving me nuts, this morning it was my left ankle, last night it was thighs. And when I say itch I mean I am using a dollar store hair brush could scratch myself till I bleed, and it would still itch. Dr. believes it is my body reacting to something going on inside my tummy. There might be a small tear in the intestine, or severe ulcers, or chrom's.
To be honest none of those sound a whole lot of fun. At least I get the good drugs, hell I want to be in fricken lala land for both of the procedures. I do not want to remember. Then 3 weeks later, the BIG surgery. Which to be honest makes me cringe with fear. I am really hoping to get my health back, and get my life back.
I am so exhausted lately, before it was waking up all the time and having a hard time falling asleep, and now its zonking out right away, and only waking up once, BUT my alarm goes off, and I cannot shake the sleepy feeling, it is now 1:00 and I am on my lunch, and I am still zonked.
I have constant pain in the right lower part of my stomach, its dull enough to ignore most of the time, but if I eat the wrong thing, there better be a bathroom near by, and the pain drives me mad.
Anyways, I guess that is it for now. Got some cleaning to catch up on, I want the people that are going to be helping me out after my surgery to have a easy time with stuff. Only have to worry about the basic stuff, and everything is easy to find. Not looking forward to being on my ass for that month.

Jennifer2010 Kilo Geçmişi

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