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18 Nisan 2012

Hi Thank you for your comments, yes the shakes calories are low and damage may be done in the long run. BUT, and I know this is a STUPID thing to say, I am older, no chance of getting pregnant, I got a bone test done recently and they are very strong, if I was younger I def would think this is the TOTALLY WRONG.

I have so much energy, I am sleeping so much better. Concerntration in college is execellent. I also cleared my locker today of all last years note's. Finished an assignment. Came home helped my son konrad scrub the full kitchen down. AND I still have energy.
Last night I ordered a 4* pizza for lad's and sat between them both while they devoured it, and it did not effect me. BUT Konrad just make toasted cheese sandwiches and they smell divine SO I am repeating over and over again "Another LUMP on My HIPS" if I had eaten it.

Anothr great thing is my pants are very noticability loose, they were cutting accross my tummy now the go full way up to my waist and I hane no marks on my legs where they used to be tight on me.

All bonus's.

16 Nisan 2012

16 Nisan 2012

Well I feel I deserve a round of applause, or a Búla Bois, as we say in Ireland.Returned to college, I am doing Bachelors in Business Tourism, and the catering college is in same building, we were invited to a 4 course meal cooked by the students and I did not attend. PAT PAT ON THE BACK. Love may I stay motivated and positive.

Well a cold grey wet windy day, BRRR

The day in college went well. I was nervous about how I would manage with all the different canteens, bistros and the smells from the students kitchen tempting me but I was fine. I made shake at 7 am, put it in bottle and drank it slowly whilst on bus. I had lovely cup coffee and class's went on till 1pm when they all then went to dinner. I strolled around and then made my second shake about 2pm and another cup coffee. Home now totally relaxing, hot water bottle, wrapped in quilt, watching dvd, Man in Black, and chatting here. BLISS

15 Nisan 2012

15 Nisan 2012

Good Morning from again sunny, bright but wintery Ireland. I know I harp on about weather but I thrive on sunny mornings, Suffer from SADD's, so I need these mornings. This winter in Cork has been the best since beginning of the century.

Well I weighed myself, and from scales I am down another 2 lb, my scales old and weird but think that reading is ok.


If I could continue going this way, I will be down 2 stone by May 25th. I have been asked to attend my sons x girlfriend's son's First Holy Communion. When they meet she never knew she was 3 wks pregnant,(long term relationship with father, he cheated so she broke up with him then meet Kevin). Kevin stood by her,father had no interest till after birth,when he could not deny Ryan, (its like looking at his mirror image, great father since and so are the whole family, an adored child by all). I live nearly back to back with his grandparents so if he stands on shed he calls over to me. Lol. Kevin and Jennifer broke up 3 years ago after 5 years, but still great friends, and he still takes Ryan when there is time in Ryan's busy life. The grandmother, (Jennifer's mum is dead),is a bit jealous of Ryan's relationship with my family and I, so when Jennifer invited me I was over the moon. The grandmother does not know I am going yet. We are friendly but she gets clingy when Ryan around. They are both lovely families so should be a lovely if strange day.

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