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06 Mayıs 2012

Hi. Hope u had a good weekend. Here in the uk it's a bank holiday tomorrow so excited about that. It's weigh in day tomorrow. Looking forward to it and nervous at the same time. I weight myself this morning and it is still saying the same thing. 209 which is excellent but today was a family birthday celebration so we had an English roast ( pork potatoes, cauliflower cheese, veg, gravy) then followed by dessert and birthday cake. I did my best without looki like a fussy eater and didn't have any dibbles with drinks before hand and only had one small potato and small cake and the lighter dessert etc but I know it all adds up. As long as I can still stay at 210lbs I will be happy as 100% know that I will be going below next week. But what for me I love is the fact that I know I will be going down next week. (at least I hope I will be going down next week) anyway look forward to seeing the results tomorrow. Have a good evening. Xx

05 Mayıs 2012

04 Mayıs 2012

Afternoon, so weighed myself this morning and all good.... still 210.08lbs (15.08St) which is good really as i had the buagette yesterday and was worried i was going to pay for it today. Also that my dinner out on wednesday hasnt effected me either as i know it can show up a few days later. I am starving today and think its because i didnt have a big dinner yesterday, so i had some sushi (4pieces,120cals) and a pack of oven cooked crisps (chips) which were 120 so pretty much the same as if i was having a shake for lunch. But made me realise how much i enjoy having salad as i can have a big plate of it and it fills me up big time but has hardly any calories. Today i am working in another office so dont have my food with me. : (

Anyway tonight i am going out for dinner and know what i am having already, steak and chips, but having the steak plain with no sauce and the chips i will half the portion and have a side of spinach instead with 2 glasses of red wine. i dont think it will be too bad and there isnt alot i can do about it it anyway. im being as good as i can be. So the scales will tell me tomorrow....

Have a good day!

03 Mayıs 2012

Morning everybody, so as we can see ysterday i went WAYYYYYYYYYYY over my RDI. However I am ok about it, actually a little proud with some aspects. So last night i met up with some girlfriends and went out for dinner. Everybody ordered some tapas for us all to share and i didnt have any and one of my friends said " err why arent you eating.." and i just said "oh i just dont want any" just like that, i just said no even though that little voice in my head was going, go on have some, everybody else is so you might aswell!!!! Then my main course came and i asked for a side plate and straight away halved the portion of rice and put it on to the side plate and put it to the side and did the same with the sauce. Then for dessert everybody had cheescake and fudge cake.... i ordered sorbet, it came with 3 scoops. I gave one scoop to my friend, passed the bowl around so eveybody could try some (1 more scoop gone)and ate 1 scoop!!!! yay!!! NOW THE BAD PART wine, wine, wine, wine,wine. Nearly 1000cals in just WINE! I 100% need to limit myself to 3 glasses of wine when out and just 2 at home. I know that seems still alot but for me i could drink wine and do drink wine till the cows come home.

Another good thing last night was that on my way home i was going past a macdonalds. I was so so so so so tempted to go in and get one. As you do when you have had a bit to drink and instead went straight past it. i had to talk to myself when going past telling myself all the reasons not to have one and how im just going to go past it and not turn around as obviously again the little voice in my head was giving me very good reasons why i should have one!!

But i got on the scales this morning and was very nervous because of last night and am weighing in at 210.08lbs!!! Score!!!! now just need to keep it up. I am going out for dinner on Friday and have a family birthday on Sunday... so just need to keep a close eye on everything it will all be good in the hood on Monday!!!

Have a good day everybody!

02 Mayıs 2012

Kat86 Kilo Geçmişi

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