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21 Ocak 2014

Yesterday I was insatiable, I don't know why lol...

No RL yesterday night or today morning. I slept fine. I'm going to both exercise and take my multivitamins today.

I called the lab just before closing time and, happily, they have blood tests where missing nutrients can be detected. Now I just have to make an appointment with my doctor. I'm not sure this is related to nutrient deficiency but it's worth a try. It's definitely strange that symptoms appear only one day after ceasing multivitamins intake. It's possible that this is stress related though, or something else entirely...

edit: It turns out that, part of the energy I attributed to banning sugar alone, was also due to exercising every single day. I noticed this when I stopped exercising. Don't get me wrong, banning sugar improved my energy levels drastically but exercising every single day (perhaps along with banning sugar) almost makes me feel like I'm permanently on caffeine (without the jitters lol)

edit: I've incorporated liver pate into my diet because of it's contents in vitamin b12 and iron. I was undecided between shellfish and this but I ended up choosing this :)

edit: Today, at the grocery store, it was particularly difficult to ignore the sweets. They seem to be growing better in my mind, now that I'm not supposed to eat them lol. I went past the aisle where the sweets were and I can definitely say it wasn't easy to resist bringing one. Immediately after my ban on sweets I think it would have been much easier but now it's like the desire accumulates. I have to really watch myself around sweets now lol...

edit: I've just noticed a mistake in my exercise journal. What I meant to say is: "I've decided not to aggravate my RL" :)
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
59,3 kg 6,1 kg 3,3 kg Oldukça İyi
   (8 yorum) Haftada 0,7 kg alıyor

20 Ocak 2014

Ah... a little jump up today. Nothing to worry about :)

Yesterday, I did two things at once. I restarted exercising and I stopped taking the multivitamins. The RL immediately started to come back, but very mild to the point where it didn't cause any trouble, and I only felt it this morning when I woke up and I'm feeling that tension in my neck which has accompanied the RL, but also very mild. I will try exercising the next 2 or 3 days while taking multivitamins and see what happens. If I still get RL while taking vitamins, that means the problem might be brought on by exercise. If this happens, what I will do is I will stop both exercising and taking the multivitamins and see what happens. If nothing happens, it will be more likely that exercising is causing this alone, due to whatever problem I may have. I'm not very worried right now as I was before because, whatever it is, it seems to be under control.

This is unrelated. A great slideshow I found about exercising. I swear by every single thing that is said in it. Great thing, exercise...

edit: Ironically, after saying the above, I didn't exercise today. I felt the RL intensifying throughout the day (the foreign electric feeling in my legs) and I chose to wait for tomorrow because I didn't know how tonight would go (so far it seems to have subsided) my legs feel much better than this afternoon... I will restart exercise as soon as I wake up without feeling this.
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
59,2 kg 6,2 kg 3,2 kg Oldukça İyi
   (5 yorum) Haftada 1,4 kg alıyor

19 Ocak 2014

Wow! Great! I really didn't expect another weight loss so soon :)

RL still gone, gonna stop taking multivitamins today and prepare for blood tests. Today I'm going to restart exercising.

edit: I'm not a vegetarian but my diet, nowadays, looks more like a vegetarian diet (well, sort of) due to health-conscious choices. I apparently ended up developing this malnutrition (at least it looks like it). In the following of that problem, I've found this website that is directed at vegetarians and that tells you more less what you're supposed to eat to have a balanced diet being a vegetarian, including non-total vegetarians such as I'm turning out to be (for the most times at least. I still devour lots of meat occasionally once every 2 weeks or so heheh)

It's curious that I'm already eating lots of the things that are in that table. Perhaps I'm not eating in the right amount, but this is also an average...

I've been checking, using Google's nutrition tool (type food name in the search field and choose quantity in the table at the right), and I got some surprises lol. The amount of nuts I'm eating (1 or 2 of each type per day), nutritionally speaking, is way, way less than it has to be to deliver any kind of useful quantity of either vitamin B12, iron or magnesium (at least that's how it looks like at first glance. I was under the wrong impression that this very low amount of nuts was guaranteeing enough iron and magnesium etc. Boy, was I wrong lol... Even eating like 50 walnut halves doesn't get you that far in terms of iron and magnesium. the nuts with most magnesium appear to be almonds but, to ingest your magnesium DRI (almost), in almonds you'd have to eat like 1 cup/ 143 g of whole almonds (827 calories!!!). That is a lot of almonds lol! I really had the impression that I was eating good enough amounts. The nuts with the most iron appear to be hazelnuts. I usually eat 2 every morning lol. But it appears I would have to eat like 384 g/ 13.5 oz each day of hazelnuts (2412 calories!!!) to get to the recommended daily intake of iron! Besides costing too many calories, nuts are also more expensive than other foods with similar magnesium/ iron quantities. I think I'm going to have to search foods with higher iron and magnesium concentrations. I was looking for iron and magnesium in the wrong place :) I will keep eating the minute amounts just for taste and because it fills you up. Also, it's possible that they have other nutrients that are not mentioned there...

Beans have almost the same proportion of magnesium and iron per unit of weight than hazelnuts except that 100 g of hazelnuts have 61 g of fat (and 4.5 g of saturated fat) while beans have 1.4 g (and 0.4 g) respectively. So beans have much less fat, are way less caloric and also way cheaper than nuts while apparently having the same amounts of iron and magnesium than nuts (on average). This is a huge surprise for me!

Just 100 g/ 3.5 oz of beans will provide you with almost half of the daily recommended dose for magnesium, and a quarter of the daily recommended dose for iron! Wow! Beans are looking like a super-food to me! Not to mention that they have lots of fiber and, when joined with rice, they provide high quality proteins. And to think I've been eating them just because they make me feel full with few calories...

I also found out that I'm probably already getting enough B12 due to all the milk and sardines and other things that I eat. Just one can of sardines will provide you with enough B12 to exceed your daily requirements. 3 cups of milk will also provide you with 60% (1 cup is 20%) of the daily recommended intake for B12. One large egg will provide you with 10% of B12's daily recommended intake.

These are Google's numbers though, both for daily recommended dosage and for the amounts of these nutrients found in these foods. I don't know how reliable they are...

Shellfish appears to contain crazy amounts of B12 and high amounts of iron too. But the problem with it is that they eat by filtering the water and so accumulate huge amounts of toxins and heavy metals... to the point they are sometimes forbidden for consumption here in Portugal depending on periodic lab analysis results...

edit: both my lunch and dinner (especially the dinner) were very sating. I can't believe that that dinner is only 400 and something calories and I feel incredibly full. Proteins are definitely very good at making you feel full!

edit: This is from a website:

"Iron deficiency is a serious problem in today's world. In fact, the World Health Organization has labeled iron deficiency as the number one nutritional disorder in the world, with as many as 80 percent of the world's population being potentially iron deficient. When iron deficiency first occurs, the body begins to use stored iron to replace what is missing. However, once that reserve is depleted, symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, irritability and weight loss typically develop."

I don't think I should be iron deficient though, since I eat lots of beans etc...

To sum it all up. I'm completely clueless lol.
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
59 kg 6,4 kg 3 kg Oldukça İyi
   (9 yorum) Haftada 1,4 kg kaybediyor

18 Ocak 2014

I feel great!

Now that the RL is gone, things are back to normal, I managed not to quit the sugar ban and now I just have to restart the exercise routine and figure out which of the nutrients was supposedly causing this (because it's too much of a coincidence that the RL has stopped for good once I started taking multivitamin). It's supposed to be either magnesium, iron or vitamin B12 deficiency. So I will start by trying those the next time I start feeling RL... I have to analyse my diet and figure out which of these nutrients are likely to be insufficient in it. I don't think it's likely that I have a dietary iron or magnesium deficiency since I eat lots of nuts, and fish (rich in iron and magnesium). Between those 3 nutrients, I would bet more on vitamin B12 deficiency. One vitamin I'm almost positive I'm deficient in, is vitamin D, since I get little to no sun exposure and you're supposed to get between 20 to 30 minutes a day/3 days a week (on your forearms and face)but there doesn't seem to be a link between vitamin D deficiency and RL. When it comes to vitamin B12 food sources, it would not surprise me if I'm not getting enough of those. I used to have a strong feeling against artificial vitamins etc but the truth is, they appear to be very helpful in some situations such as this, when you don't seem to be able to get enough nutrition out of your diet. I will eventually have to leave this "cane" of vitamin supplements and fix my diet when I find out the culprit :P. I'll also try to be more careful with other nutrients that might be missing from now on. Despite this nutrient mishap, I feel better than ever, even my memory now seems to be considerably better and I seem to be much more focused. So many things have improved drastically since I stopped eating sweets. So many problems that I used to associate with age, or bad genes have disappeared almost overnight...

The weight is still going down despite the short break from exercise. It's true though that I've annihilated the muscles in my legs doing squats and calf raises till failure because of the RL. This must have had some impact on the calorie burning, protein synthesis etc since my leg muscles ached for like 2 or 3 days.

edit: I think this was the most caloric salad I've ever had in my life lol... edit: Now that I think of it, it was probably not since I used to "submerge" my salads in olive oil, which is pretty caloric :)

edit: I just googled "vitamin B12 in milk" and it turns out that there are 2.4 micrograms of B12 in 2 cups of milk (just 0.1 micrograms short of the daily recommended dosage which is 2.5 micrograms) which means that I should be getting enough B12 a day considering that I rarely drink less than 2 cups of milk and that I additionally eat other foods that must have B12. Puzzling ...

today I ended up not exercising because of a mixture of lack of routine/ legs still hurting a little bit from squats/ and losing track of time doing other stuff lol... Tomorrow I really should restart cycling. And I will... almost certainly lol.
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
59,2 kg 6,2 kg 3,2 kg Oldukça İyi
   (19 yorum) Haftada 0,7 kg kaybediyor

17 Ocak 2014

I inadvertently let myself dehydrate so my real weight today would probably be heavier. :)

Yesterday something wonderful happened. Absolutely no RL (and still nothing). I don't know if it's just intermittent though so I better not start celebrating but, I did take those vitamins heheh. Well, let's wait :)

Thanks Ninaj! :)

edit: I resumed eating my usual breakfast consisting of dried fruits and nuts lol and I popped another multivitamin today. I'm doing this for 3 days to see if the RL stays away. If it does, then I'm going to stop taking multivitamins and start figuring out exactly what it was that I was missing. RL has been associated with iron or magnesium deficiency which is strange in my case since the foods I'm eating supposedly have magnesium and iron (maybe I'm not eating enough quantity?) I don't know. But it's also true that I haven't been getting a lot of vitamin D (sun exposure). And each of these pills has 100% of its recommended daily dose. So I haven't ruled that out either. There's so many possibilities (and this is, taking for granted that the multivitamin solved the problem).

My legs are still sore even despite not having exercised a lot. I'm blaming this on the RL from last days lol. I've just realized that, it wasn't the RL that left my legs aching. It was the constant unweighted squats I've made to try to make the RL go away the night before yesterday lol(I was sleepy, that's why I didn't remember)

edit: My RL still hasn't come back. I can't express how relieved I am right now. This thing was really scary thinking of the long term implications... It's times like these we give thanks for simple things such as our health... I don't want to start celebrating ahead of time but I really feel like it :)

Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
59,3 kg 6,1 kg 3,3 kg Oldukça İyi
   (3 yorum) sabit kilo

euheide Kilo Geçmişi

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