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03 Ocak 2014

I started gaining weight a few months back, not only because I stopped weight training but also because I started to eat a considerably greater number of calories. Now I finally tipped the scale between calories ingested and calories burned.

My intention though was to try to go back to the 1850 calories mark, to determine if I would still lose weight even after ceasing weight training. I think that, today, I will try to stop at 1850 calories and do that for like 2 or 3 days and see what happens. the only objective in this being to determine how much of an impact weight training had on my weight at the time, or on my calorie balance.

Another day without eating sweets. I'm very proud of myself heheh. I still maintain that I don't know for how much longer I will be able to psychologically keep it. No promises lol.

I just realized that the dryness on my hands going away might also be due to the fact that I started drinking more water lol. That could be the reason.

I have to start swimming more. It's great for my back (despite the fact that I haven't had any pain lately) and it's also great for developing my upped body. But usually I don't feel like it, possibly because it's so much more time consuming than indoor cycling. Perhaps it's good to start with doing it once a week and climb from there. :)

edit: I don't know if this apple was different but I haven't tasted a tastier apple in a long time! :)

edit: my latest strategy to cope with the withdrawal of sugar (refined sugar), is to go on Google and look for all the bad things it can do to you lol. I've seen some bad stuff already about how it causes inflammation throughout your body as a result of insulin spikes. It also causes a type of intestinal flora, needed for optimal digestion, to decrease in quantity and a type of yeast (Candida albicans) we have in our intestines to change into a fungus and invade the rest of our body (read excerpt below) it attacks substances needed for the maintenance of your skin. I have also read previously that it would cause inflammation of your brain and memory problems in a study with animals (I don't remember which). This was enough incentive to hold on a little more on this refined sugar cleansing heheh.

"...In a healthy person, Candida albicans numbers in the millions and is controlled by a properly-functioning immune system and "friendly" bacteria. However, if the number of friendly bacteria is decreased, the immune system is weakened, or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur (diet high in sugar, improper pH in the digestive system) Candida albicans will shift from yeast form to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body..."

Then they list a huge number of potential health effects. Here is the link (below)

I also read, on another website that a guy who used to be highly addicted to refined sugar, in just two weeks of removing it from his diet, was completely free of the desire for it. This also motivates me to try and hold, at least, those two weeks. I'm not going to die in two weeks so it's worth a try lol.

edit: it's amazing that I ate so long ago and am still not hungry. I'm not sure but I'm thinking this may be due to having eliminated refined sugar from my diet a few days ago. Usually I would be feeling the need to eat something sweet but, right at this moment I feel ok. This is not to say that I don't feel awfully tempted to eat sweets when I specifically think about them lol. Unfortunately I still crave them from time to time, especially when I see them with my eyes... But I can't remove them from the house or I would panic lol. It helps me knowing that I can backtrack at any minute :)

edit: If I'm not mistaken, this is the 5th day without sweets. My goal is to get to two full weeks to there's 9 days left. I risk saying that, today, it didn't seem as hard as on the last days. I might be wrong but that's my impression :)
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
60,3 kg 5,1 kg 4,3 kg Oldukça İyi
   (1 yorum) Haftada 2,8 kg kaybediyor

02 Ocak 2014

Here it goes Doublecheese:

Also, show your friend this (link bellow) because it's likely her case:

The Video above part of a bigger documentary with lots of precious tips on coping with eating less and burning more calories. I'm trying to find the whole documentary with Dr. Michael Mosley but I can't remember its title now ... He has lots of documentaries on losing weight and health vs food habits.

In my opinion, losing weight is essentially simple but people defeat themselves because they convince themselves (and many times let others convince them) that there are other underlying reasons why they are not losing weight. If you convince yourself that is just a matter of how much you eat, and if you are willing to be persistent to eat less and less and less, even if gradually, you will eventually arrive to that state you start losing weight. Of course that it's a hard thing to do. And it's harder, the faster you try to do it.

edit: I have the feeling I forgot to log something but I can't seem to remember anything other than what is logged :P. What is especially strange is all the hours in between breakfast and that last big meal I've had. Well... I hope I didn't forget anything. At least I'm sure I didn't eat any sweets lol (I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep those off my diet. I've just salivated just thinking about them :P) Can't think about sweets lol...

Broccoli definitely seem to help in fullness! I have to start eating more vegetables, fruits etc. I'm finding that, just by eating the minimum quantities of vegetables and fruit in a day, along with a full meal, that I quickly reach the needed calories or close, which is not bad, given my poor imagination for cooking. :)

I seem to be on the verge of having another one of these recent daily headaches but I'm not quite there yet. I hope it will go away before it becomes a real headache. Not that these headaches have been painful (they have been pretty mild) but stuff like this always worries me in terms of health. I'm drinking 2 cups of water and hope this was just dehydration.

edit: My legs are slightly aching right now even though I've been resting for around 14 hours since I've biked. I hope sleep will take care of this problem. I don't remember feeling like this yesterday :P

I ate one of the best tasting salads I've done recently, which is great since I'm a horrible cook. I think it has to do with the quantity of balsamic vinegar and olive oil among other small things. I think part of the solution in replacing junk food is necessarily learning how to cook tastier food. This will definitely make junk food less desirable by comparison. I'm still thinking a lot about eating sweets. Images of sweets float in my mind. things I didn't even remember lol. It's amazing how the brain works.

Since I stopped eating sweets I have been watching for all kinds of symptoms (good and bad). I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but I usually have extremely dry skin in my hands (I thought it a consequence of washing my hands almost obsessively) and, today, they are as good as they usually are after applying hydrating cream, but I didn't and that is truly strange. If this isn't related to less sugar, then its cause is really beyond me since this is the first time in a very long time I feel my hands as smooth as this without having to use cream. Wouldn't it be great if, suddenly I had a really palpable improvement in health as a reward for cutting sweets off my diet. The bad thing is I'm still far from being "out of the woods". The cravings are still very strong and I feel like giving up at any moment. Right now, my curiosity to see what happens is the thing that is keeping me going. That and, unfortunately, knowing I can eat them whenever I want lol.

This is unrelated but, the first time I tried goji berries, they kind of had a strange weird taste but I immediately found myself wanting to eat more, despite it's odd taste, which is strange. Now though, I have developed a taste for them and find them incredibly tasty. Go figure... :)

How cruel is it that saturated fats and simple carbohydrates simultaneously account for both some of the tastiest and unhealthiest food there is...

02 Ocak 2014

Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
60,7 kg 4,7 kg 4,7 kg Oldukça İyi
   Yorum Ekle Haftada 1,4 kg alıyor

01 Ocak 2014

Wow! This was a nice surprise! Let's hope the weight keeps lowering at this rhythm (which is not possible by the way but it's always good to dream lol).

Wow! How did this happen just like that? Yesterday I managed to keep below the 1850 calorie limit. I have managed to avoid sweets for two days straight. I have also managed to exercise for more than two days straight (I think).

Ok I can't draw many conclusions from just one day. Let's see what happens tomorrow and after. :)


Thanks for supporting this journal Doublecheese! And thank you for accepting my buddies request! :)

edit: fruits and dried fruits are a great help in taking my mind off sweets. It is a fact that one of the reasons for cutting sweets off my diet is losing weight but the main reason for doing it is my health. If it wasn't for my health right now, I don't think I would resist lol. I just don't know for how long I will be able to hold. Your brain starts tricking you into eating sweets when you haven't eaten any in a while. They become much much tastier in your mind than they are in reality. It's a problem lol. And the taste normal healthy food leaves in your mouth after eating. It's like my mouth is saying: "are you forgetting something?"... And this keeps going on and on at least until I have some fruit or dried fruit. Then it gets better. And it's not only sweets I'm fantasizing about. It's junk food like cheetos, coke, etc. It's amazing the effect sweets have on you...

edit: Another headache. This is the second one in two days. I don't remember anything like this for years lol. I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the sudden withdrawal of refined sugar...
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
60,5 kg 4,9 kg 4,5 kg Oldukça İyi
   Yorum Ekle Haftada 7,7 kg kaybediyor

31 Aralık 2013

Considering that I ate more than I should yesterday, it's not bad! :)

I don't feel as tired as in the previous days so I'm guessing exercising will be easier but you never know since exercising daily may cause muscle fatigue if you overdo it. It's also important that, when you feel tired, you don't force yourself to a great intensity of exercise since this will make it even harder for you to exercise next time. That's why I always try to keep exercise manageable effort-wise (or suffering-wise lol). I try to keep it light. Unless I'm weight training but, in this case, we're talking about short bursts of effort which, for me at least, are easier to do with greater intensity, psychologically speaking. Exercise cannot be equivalent to great suffering to you, or you risk developing an aversion to it, unless you are in some kind of activity which has trainer, and even so, you have to be highly motivated if the level of effort is very high. Even when the objective is to improve physically, things should be done gradually, at least that's how I see exercising as a sustainable long term routine.

edit: I wasn't as energetic as I though I was today but that's normal when you exercise every day.

edit: I wasn't even noticing but my somewhat crippling back pain is practically gone. I haven't swam lately but it's gone. this is really great as I would wake up and need to do some stretching and warm up until the pain was manageable and only felt by doing some specific movements. This is really great! I remember that I got this pain while I was weight training so I have to be real careful with it when I start doing it again. I have to really be progressive and even perhaps avoid some exercises altogether. Either that or just sticking to calisthenics and swimming for my upper body.

Happy New Year everyone! :)

edit: wow, today was really really hard psychologically speaking. Holding back on eating sweets is soooo hard now. I will find myself literally salivating at times. I will think about sweets all the time and I have a headache now (that's probably not related though lol but I hope it's not withdrawal or something :) It definitely gets more manageable when I'm full though. That's definitely true! Finishing the day with a mug of milk and very proud of myself for being able to resist sweets for another day. I just hope the cravings will subside in a week, at most. Or at least diminish considerably lol... That would be good already.
Kilo: Bugüne kadar kayıp: Geriye kalan: Diyet Takibi:
61,6 kg 3,8 kg 5,6 kg Oldukça İyi
   Yorum Ekle Haftada 2,1 kg kaybediyor

euheide Kilo Geçmişi

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